Suzanne Collins was born in Hartford, Connecticut,  on August, 10,1962. Since Suzanne's father was an Air Pilot, her living arrangements were always changed. She would move from New York City, to cities in Europe. After graduating from New York University Suzanne joined television. She wrote for many children programs such as, Little Bear, and Clarissa Explains It All.Suzanne always had a talent for writing her first debut was a book called, Gregor the Overlander. The novel that made Collins known internationally was The Hunger Games, which was published in 2008. After the movie came out in 2012, Suzanne Collins became even more popular. Now, at age 51, Suzanne is married to Cap Pryor, an actor, and she also has two children. While fans wait for the second film Catching fire, there are assumptions being made about a fourth book, being written. We are all anticipating to see what other great creations Suzanne Collins will write.

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